Nine stages of Yiqi exercise system and assessment

Nine Duan Training System and Assessment

One Qi Gong Method Nine Stages Training System:

One grade: "One Qi Gong Method-Keep Thinking of Gong".

Second grade: "One Qi Gong Method-Twenty-character Color Ball Gong".

Three grade: "One Qi Gong Method-Longhua Li De Gong".    

Four grade: "One qi exercise-lotus exercise".

Five grade: "One Qi Gong Method-Qi Daoyin Gong".

Sixth grade: "One Qi exercise method: Mingjue is free."

Seven grade: "One Qi Gong Method-Zhou Tian Gong".

Eight grade: "One Qi Gong Method: Entering the Set Shortcut Promise Quan Dan Gong".

Nine grade: "One Qi Gong Method ˙ Kai Qiao Gong".

One Qi Gong Method Nine Stages Cultivation System (English)

The Holo-cosmic Qigong Nine-stage Cultivation System


Level One : ” Holo-cosmic Qigong  *Retention Exercise”


Level Two : ” Holo-cosmic Qigong  *Twenty-character Coloured Ball Exercise”


Level Three : ” Holo-cosmic Qigong  *Basic Virtuous and Tranquil Exercise”


Level Four : ” Holo-cosmic Qigong  *Lotus of Standing, Walking and Sleeping Exercise”


Level Five : ” Holo-cosmic Qigong  * Daoyin with Holo-cosmic Qi Exercise”


Level Six : ” Holo-cosmic Qigong  * Mental Exercise resulting in a Calm and Luminous mind”


Level Seven : ” Holo-cosmic Qigong  * The Circulation of Pragna Exercise”


Level Eight : ” Holo-cosmic Qigong  * The Shortcut to Right Concentration and the

Complete Alchemy without Limit Exercise”


Level Nine : ” Holo-cosmic Qigong  * The Instigation of Wisdom Exercise ( Instructor)”


One qi exercises nine-stage practice system

One paragraph: "One Qi Kungfu: Remembering Gong", chanting twenty characters, proficiently remembering righteous thoughts, removing bad habits, and simply explaining two characters or all twenty characters (Loyalty, Forgiveness, Honesty, Reasonableness, Virtue, Righteousness, Faith, Forbearance, Justice, Broadness, Filial Piety, Benevolence, Kindness, Awareness, Saving, frugal, true, courteous, harmony), learn to respect the teacher and respect the Tao, embark on the bright road of life. "Relieving the Disaster and Raising the Golden Light" Xiao Changming "

Loyalty is a ditch, Shu is a city, Lian is Biwa, Ming is Zhumeng, and German is the threshold.

Orthographic , righteous character Xijian, Xin character Shanling, Ren character Houhu, public character Qianmen,

Bo word for tooth eaves, filial piety wind chime, benevolence word for jade chime, compassion word for Jinzhong, Juewei Juling,

The festival character Meilin, the Jian character tall building, the true character leisure pavilion, the ritual character as the bone, and the harmonious character as the heart. "


The second section: "One Qi Gong Method-Twenty-Character Color Ball Gong", learn the history and life course of the creation of the "One Qi Sect Master", relax the body to accommodate the congenital Qi, and the relationship between physical and mental health and the world of great harmony. "Prayer for World Peace Mirra Conference Prayer-Chapter Ten" Xiao Changming: "Twenty-character colored balls, cover the sky and spread the ground, heal the current disease, clean the condition of regeneration, and explore the mysterious mystery at the same time, and break through the white clouds of life and death. , Bai Yun Ren Pian and I jumped out of the Three Thousand Worlds of Baiyun, and returned to the original.” Twenty-character colored ball (dynamic work): 1/convergence innate (the Qi is connected, the ball goes on the chest and back); 2 Sitting on a horse, rooting into the ground); 3/covering the ground (three realms and ten directions, encompassing the world); 4/ball transport and five elements (five elements and five internal organs, re-transformation); 5/ Baoyuan Shouyi (in memory of Zhengqi, thinking here Here is); 6/Caiqi rolling (seeking static while moving, and the static is extremely vivid); 7/Colorful balls blooming (three flowers gather at the top, five qi Zhaoyuan); 8/Baiyun Pianqian (come and go freely, joyously); 9 /Daqian rippling (three thousand big thousand, Tianhe is dangling); 10/running a river cart (ox cart transports water, water and fire can be used); 11/happy heart flower (heart flower is issued, fruit is sweet and fragrant); 12/receiving style (medium) Receipt and store for future use). More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information Send feedback Side panels History Saved Contribute ,.?!:'";@ 中文


The third stage: "One Qi Gong Method-Longhua Li De Gong", to understand the virtues of God, learn the basic Jing Gong method, basic knowledge related to Qi Gong, historical culture and modern physical and mental development, and the unity of morality and law.

"Longhua Sutra: Volume 1" Xiao Changming: "The Lord Longhua said, in the crystal palace in the past, Qi Qi was nurtured, the Three Jewels were nurtured, and the five elements were moisturized. Five-color radiance, five-color radiance, mixed knot to become the radiance of gold essence, gold essence radiance, bred again, yang in true yin, refining true qi, turning into pure yin and pure yang, pure yin and pure yang, then refining, refining If there is no yin and no yang, then you will see the true nature. Those who have the true nature have no yin and no yang, the Buddha said that the mind sees the nature, that is, this nature. , Is the true nature. The true nature is not empty, the true nature is not empty, the emptiness is not sex, the emptiness is not sex, it is the supreme. It is a sex flower, it is issued, there is no yin and no yang, no face and no color, no color, why is the cloud flower? What is Yunhua is the true nature of the immortals and the buddhas, and they enter the Longhua together, the same If you go to Longhua, you must go to Longhua. What is trueness? It is made of five-color gold and precious light. Why is it? That is, the two phases of Yin and Yang are tempered. If they are not tempered, the truth will not be seen. , The true nature is not seen, you cannot enter the Longhua, let alone see the Longhua. Those who have the Longhua must not have the Longhua, but the self-nature Longhua, so Amitabha is compassionate and compassionate. Cultivation, why is this cultivation? Cultivation sees the true nature.... Therefore, it takes one hundred and twenty thousand years for Yunlonghua to bloom. Longhua does not bloom for one hundred and twenty thousand years. If you do not refine your nature by nature, even if it is 1.2 million years, you can’t Flowering, the fruit can refining by nature, in an instant, it can bloom, that is, an incredible world can be seen, I can see my Buddha Tathagata, Yongqing Changle, in the Changle Palace, carefree, immortal, inconceivable, indescribable, random Change, change with the change, return to me solid, and see the truth."


Four stage: "Yiqi technique-lotus technique", including standing makeup technique, performing technique and sleeping technique. Goodness is the same as others, the body is pure and unobstructed, the connection between the gentleman and the lotus flower, and the inside and outside of the water lotus Unity.

Part of the original text of "The Lotus Sutra of Wonderful Dharma": "The lotus is a peaceful world. The lotus creates the majesty of the magical law. It is cultivated to the body of the lotus to allow escape from the cycle of life and death. Compassion is constant. Therefore, the Five Emperors of the Five Emperors Dynasties." "Lianhua Jing Annotation" explains: "All tangible and color, can get one, what is the level of each other, and there is no level of each other, who is right and wrong, no party, no contention, all is the body of light, nameless, colorless, and pure and white. The heart, without seeing its shape, without hearing its sound, is extremely "quiet", three thousand great thousand, and this is the case, the lotus flower is not the lotus flower, it is one of them, and the one is not one, but it is round. Dao, all-inclusive, deterring everything, how can you be deterred? It means that there is no self-intention, that is, there is no form. Dharma can be majestic, and it can completely cover everything in the three realms and ten directions. Therefore, we must have tolerance in cultivating the Tao, and there must be tolerance to see wisdom.... In the past Confucius wanted to follow the way of Yao and Shun, thinking about it day and night, then see Yao on the wall, see Shun Yugeng. Therefore, he always dreams of Zhou Gong, covers the way of Zhou Gong, and also learns from Yao and Shun, and when he sees Laozi, he praises him as a dragon! If a person has evil thoughts and greed, then the manifestation is the demonic form. I, Buddha Zengyun, if I see me by color and beg me by voice, it is a man who does evil ways and cannot see the Tathagata."


The fifth section: "One Qi Gong Method-Qi Daoyin Gong", requires 49 days of exercise, clinical application of the congenital one Qi, to cure the disease without resignation, actively practice the mind of compassion and saving people, understand the current natural remedies and energy therapy . Three methods (1) Qi Xing Zhou Tian method; (2) Qi bridge method; (3) Qi Hui Tong method.

Xiao Changming explained: "(1) These two crosses can not only cure diseases. It is also a key element for the treatment of the mind. The body. The home. The sick are caused by evil desires. This righteous energy drives them away. That is, they can be healed without medicine. . In today’s world, people’s heart is not ancient. It is especially necessary to use this method to cure diseases. Correct their body and mind. The world is not without benefit. The heart is also divine. The heart is not moving. Then all things are unresolved, and all things are stopped if they are moved. Luo Wanwu. It is impossible to cure the disease. (2) We cure the disease. It happens for science. Now science, all emphasizes on evidence. Our society uses this to prove. And carry forward our society. Husband and science. Metaphysical It is also. Taoist. Metaphysical is also. Taoism is based on the heart. Science is based on material. It is based on our society. Taoism. Science. It is one. The two are parallel. The world has complements. The two are separated. The world is suffering. The Tao is in the heart. The heart is also the material. (3) Because I think of the patients in the world. All are painful. Life is life. It is birth, old age, sickness, death, suffering. And greed, hatred, ignorance, Love, killing, stealing, licentiousness, delusion, and all kinds of bitter interest are organized. That’s why this compassion is expressed. Use the two crosses to cure diseases. These twenty words can not only cure people’s diseases, but also make people feel better. The sage is the philosopher. If human beings follow the two crosses, they can be the sage of today. The world is full of sages. There is still contention. If it is, it is bliss.


Sixth stage: "One Qi Gong method: Ming-consciousness is self-contained", practice the magic method of stopping and observing, and implement the Twenty-character Dao, and it is clear that "the one who is aware is easy to understand, and the one who is aware is easy to understand". See it by yourself. "Ming Jue Sutra-Huaguang Buddha Sacred Order" Xiao Changming: "Why is enlightenment? With qi, what is qi? It must be natural, why is natural? It is quiet, why is quiet? Must not move, why not move? Not sprout it Wisdom, how to cure wisdom? There must be unintentional, why unintentional? There must be no self, why there is no self? Take away greed and hatred, how can you take away? If not benevolent, why not benevolence? No kindness, no birth, no love, no greed Affliction means neither greed or hatred, that is, forgetting its heart, forgetting its heart, then forgetting its benevolence, and forgetting its benevolence, but seeing its god."

"Juntian God Mingjue Sutra Explanation" Xiao Changming: "

There is no good or evil in nature, but life, right and wrong are always non-stop;

If you want to escape the net of right and wrong, unless you have no intention of discriminating;

Hearing nothing, nothing sees, and seeing nothing, hear nothing;

Repair the Three Jewels under the Bodhi tree, and run away on the mirror platform;

So that you can always bathe the Buddha with your merits, and quickly comfort all sentient beings with compassion;

All sentient beings are the Buddha, and they live and walk in bliss and bliss;

The swastika is often hung on the chest, and the city of Bliss often appears on the palm;

The Immeasurable Vajra always protects the Dharma, and Pu Yin is in full bloom at present. "


Seven stage: "One Qi Gong Method-Zhou Tian Gong", the guiding characteristics of large and small weeks and days, "to live along the way, practice against the way", the same way in the world, the mind is here to become an adult, a wise person Behave. "Datong Zhenjing: One Chi Sect Master's Instinct Flow Faxing Sutra" Xiao Changming: "Unopened heaven and earth exist, Hong Meng Yi Chi is light and clear, there is no truth or falsehood, and Ziwu Maoyou runs through the six gods. The blue dragon and the white tiger are great pill, and the hurdles are filled with enough flavor, and the twenty-character cycle reaches Kunlun."

"Datong True Scripture: One Chi Sect Master, Three Talents and Five Elements Mixed Life-saving Scripture" Xiao Changming: "One yuan returns to the beginning and three yuan, opens the world to sweep away the wolf smoke; Liuhe Qingping immeasurable Buddha, the five elements produce true yuan; water and fire become a treasure raft, and earth wood gold Fine squeeze the boat; the prosperous age lifts everything into the sky, and goes to the fullest prosperous state. The invisible world, the bright wonderland, or with or without, the top grade of green lotus, nothing in nothing, sweeping away the four aspects, infinite induction, infinite compassion, grassy spring and autumn , Through its color, colorless color, is true color, odorless and silent, without birth or death, or showing lotus, without hindrance, wide variety of Bodhi, without cover or cover, illegal law, non-god god, non-Buddha It’s not the magic, the sage is not the sacred, but it’s nature.”


The eighth stage: "One Qi exercise method-a shortcut to enter the Promise Quan Dan Gong", practice the magic of the Promise Quan Pill, complete the 100-day training course, profoundly understand the praying for world peace to participate in good deeds, the view of stopping water without nothing, no one No self-sufficiency.

"Summary of Entering Dharma: Sexual Light" Xiao Changming: "Sex is evidenced by the intangible. This is the congenital supremacy, and it is also the Buddha-nature, also known as the nature, the natural Buddha-nature, containing without being nothing, nothing is the beginning of all things, there is The source of phase, there is no yin and no yang, how to live without yin and yang, the invisible is transformed into taiji, at the beginning of taiji, there is nothing, the only cloud of space, which is proved by the sky. It is said that there is no life, the lifeless, that is the essence of nature, the Buddha cloud is not empty, the air is not empty, the air is not empty, and there is nothing in it. The sky is empty, there is empty but not empty, Tao says that there is nothing but nothing, the quiet in the quiet, the clear in the quiet, the frivolity in the clear and the sex, the insignificance and the insignificance, the ignorance and the lucidity, there is something in it, which is not allowed. Words describe, unbelievable, reluctantly say Tao, Tao has no Tao, it is the Supreme Tao, there is Tao not Tao, without Tao, there is nothing, there is life, there is no rest, an egg erupts, heaven and earth are Tai, sun and moon Gradually, sex enters the sun and the moon, and sex comes to the sun and the moon, and it gradually sprouts, and it is the beginning of all things. There is nothing to say about no movement and no static. Fate, nature is nature, reckless nature is Tao, only heaven is fate, only nature is heaven, only heaven is wise, only heaven is wise, there is nature, nature merges and all things prosper, invisible to fate, Tao is mysterious and empty, The master’s words, nature and fate, cannot be obtained but heard, only wisdom is virtue, Sine is the nature of the master, the clear one rises for the sake of sex, the turbid one rises for fate, rises without knowing the reason, it is said that the Tao, the next Condensation means life, life is endless, it is called virtue, and virtue is also obtained, and there is no gain that is virtue. If you return to the void, you will see the big and the middle, and the middle is also the way. Heaven, only the sky is the nature, only the nature is the emperor, the emperor is the virtue, the emperor’s virtue is in the sky, only the nature, the nature is asexual, vast and boundless. The original nature, the original intention can be seen, the original intention is the nature, the nature sees the light, but this is the opportunity to dominate the three talents, nurture all things, and this is the only one. Nature, nature without nature, only this nature, virtues and prosperity. The heavens say that only the sky is wonderful, the wonderful is the sky, the wonderful is not seen, only enters nothing, there is no neutrality, nature is the nature, and the heaven is the recovery. When the Tianyuan is restored, there will be all beings. When all beings respond to their nature, they see their nature. Seeing their nature, only their self, self-nature is not yet, self-returning nature, nature non-nature, that is, self-nature, understanding the mystery, Dao achieves inaction, blends the five chaos, the ten thousand factions vent, vent and then vent, then see the grace of heaven, the grace of heaven is venting, not venting the ignorance, because of venting, because of the bright, the treasure of heaven and earth, gaining from venting , Also perish by venting, not venting, not venting, not venting, not venting, having to vent, must venting, venting, venting, venting endlessly, leaking and venting, venting to leaking, not Excessive leakage, no leakage is unknown, the way of leakage has not been made in the past, and the secret of leakage today, people get the leakage, each keeps the leakage, does not leak, it is called leakage, leakage does not leak, and the public gains degrees. Intangible said Sex is the beginning of all things, the beginning of the world, the spring of hues, colorlessness and appearance, turning into existence, the beginning of existence, the beginning of existence, the beginning of nothingness, the beginning of nothingness, the beginning of no yin and no yang, the beginning of nothingness, To give to yin and yang without Tao, to give to Tao without yin and yang, Tao is the foundation of nature, the nature is the foundation of Tao, what is the foundation, and the nature is the foundation, why Nature means nothingness, from nothingness to nothingness, from nothingness to nothingness, nothingness to nothingness, nothingness to nothingness, emptiness and emptiness, the foundation of tranquility, and the source of leakage, Get the source and get the nature, all things begin, and their destiny will be restored. In other words:

There are vacancies in all origins, the vacancies of all origins are dense, the light and flow of nature combine with Tai Chi, and the rejuvenation of the one yuan rejuvenates the bodhi.

Realizing that the source is not strange, and the true essence of inaction is sweet as honey, this machine will come with time and silence. May you play this game as soon as possible.

Seeing the Buddha's glory in nature, escape this spring and autumn, life and death are hereafter, yin and yang are not in the flow,

Always watch me at ease, so that the bodhi can be collected, the pill will return to the nine turns of silence, and the fruit will be up to the tower. "


Nine Duan: "Yi Qi Gong Method-Kai Qiao Gong (Teacher)", pass the teaching method to qualified teachers, inherit the original intention of the "Ten Aspirations" of Grand Master Xiao, study the "De Zang Sutra", promote the 20-character mantra and "meaning of life" Guide Studies".

"The Principles of Being a Teacher" Xiao Changming: "Parents give birth to their bodies, nurture them, and those whose hearts are in their parents' hearts. The hearts of heaven and earth are also the hearts of their parents, and they are the sons of heaven and earth and nurture their wisdom and benevolence for the teacher. For the unworn body and mind, the spirit of the eternity, the model of the future, the teacher has the heart of the nanny, and the younger brother, the hungry eats it, the cold wears the clothing, and the hearted person can be called A teacher can also be called a teacher’s morality. The nanny of the world raises her children and treats people’s children as their own children. Those who are teachers must also have this heart, so that they can become benevolent and consolidate their morality. That is the foundation of the teacher. Today, the universe is vast, and people are in a state of anxiety, and people cannot be rectified. What is the reason, that is, the teacher's morality is not correct. Because the teacher's morality is not correct, I have the training of the teacher and the training. Talents are the role models of the world. If you are right your heart and cultivate your body, you will not care about the big end, always check your body and mind. In the land of black and white, you can only violate these twenty characters. Do your best. More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information Send feedback Side panels History Saved Contribute

In the old days, when I enrolled in Confucianism, I had Zhi Jing, Taoism had Taoism, Jesus had laws, Buddhism had clear rules, Islam had membership fees, and if it was costly, I couldn’t raise its integrity. Expenses are all based on self-sacrifice, why? I originally wanted to lead by example. Because the teachings in the past have been respected and paid, so that the teacher's way has fallen, and it has become a scam, and then deceived and become a stick. This is the most painful I am here to save the world physically and mentally, to save the soul with this mind, and to save the soul with this mind and body, so from hardships and hardships, to gain the way and preach, I hope that my fellow people will not take the suffering for the suffering. One who knows the suffering is happiness, and the one who knows the suffering, does not know the suffering. If you don’t know the suffering, then you get the happiness. How can you get the happiness? The reason is right, fame and prosperity, but not hope, this is our generation. It is also a matter of internal affairs, our generation takes this as the Tao, the clothes who wear clothes, the food who eats, how can we get their food and clothing, and those who walk in the way of our generation will follow their orders and enjoy the sky in Yan, Ming Ming The river flows endlessly, it is inexhaustible, and those who do not teach money are naturally inexhaustible. Why is it difficult for me to save people, and for people to save me? This is a cycle that is not easy. Always think about the way. Go against the way, with the heart of loving money, with the love of the way, wealth gathers itself, although there are no high-rise buildings to cherish all tastes, coarse cloth can also protect the cold, and the millet can eat rough rice, and it can also satisfy its hunger. You can avoid the wind and frost, enjoy the leisure, and enjoy it freely, do not fight or be greedy, lively and have a strong taste.

The one that I hate the most, the one that I most distressed, that is, the clubs I run, deceive others with power, a pair of wealthy eyes, if there is wealth and power, the members of my club will be arrogant, and the poor people come to the society. Regardless of my twenty words, the loss is far away. From now on, if there are such actions, try to abstain from it. Buddhism can only be equal. No matter who is, treat it with peace and harmony. Nowadays, all nations are difficult. If you do this There are those who come to ask for travel expenses for a long time. A to come to the B. It is really pitiful. Some can help, and the others can comfort them. If you are humble and show your way and deeds, you can be a teacher Please don’t be self-righteous. You should always keep your breath in a low voice in order to fulfill its virtues and extend my Tao. The original number is unlimited, or it can lead to a well-off society, and it can also be placed on the body of all living beings. It is also expected that all living beings, if they are dead a hundred days ago, and are reborn after a hundred days, remove the wrongs from the past, and obey the good ways, you will surely gain the clarity of the sky, especially the peace of the earth, all in the children. , Leading by example, working hard, can live up to a hundred days of pondering, but my way is gentle and respectful, and not comparable to all mages, my way is all leading by example, this is the law of my way, this is the foundation of the world's law Also, besides this, the person who speaks the law is not his mother. Fortunately, people compare the law. Our way is illegal. It must be understood that justice can see the way. However, the world is not our way, but Our preaching is not the teaching of the law, and the Tao is not different. The Tao is the common way of daily use. It cannot be expressed at all times and places. It is not to be expressed. "


Assessment of the time course of the nine-stage cultivation system of the Yiqi Gong method



Practice period

Practice requirements

Total hours

Phase hours

First grade



Be able to tell in twenty characters

A word









Second grade



Be able to master all movements









Third grade



Read more classics, learn culture









Fourth grade



Read the Lotus Sutra more than 300 times









Fifth grade


50 + 80

Practice medical skills continuously for 49 days,

Help others treatment









Sixth grade












Seventh grade












Eight grade












Ninth grade












Total hours:









