Founder-Grand Master Xiao Changming

January 3 (the 20th year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty, the eighth day of December in the Jiawu year of the lunar calendar, so Grandmaster Xiao [hereinafter referred to as the great master] should belong to the horse) (the 10th day of December is Xiaohan) (January 26 is the lunar calendar New Year’s Day 1) Xiao Changming (Tao [Milk name] begins with the word Changming, numbered invisible Taoist, slate Taoist, invisible layman, Jichen monk, Furong layman, and Master Yiqiong﹚ at the archway in Foxing Town, Lezhi County, Ziyang City, Sichuan Province The Sixth Society of Jiejiu Village (Long’s Ancestral Hall) Xiaojiawan (About 143 kilometers from Chengdu and 8 kilometers from Lezhi County, the old name of the place: Xiaojiawan, Xinglongchang, Lezhi County, within the scope of the ancient Shu Kingdom, In the place where the great master mentioned Puci in the instructor training class, "Puchi" is the ancient place name of Lezhi County. In the Southern Dynasties Emperor Liang Wu defeated the Qiang people. In the fourth year of Jiande in the Northern Zhou Dynasty (AD 575), Duoye County was established in the Sui Dynasty. In the thirteenth year of the Emperor Kaihuang (593), it was renamed Pucci County, and in the third year of Wude of the Tang Dynasty (620 years), Lezhi County was formally established (named after Lezhichi), "Old Tangshu‧zhi‧21‧Geography Four" "Zizhou Shang" is recorded. The ancient place name of Xinglong is Pailou or Pailou. In 1981, the national census name was changed to "Pailou Street Village" due to too many names of Xinglong. Ziyang City is under the jurisdiction of the city. Yanjiang District, Jianyang City, Anyue County, Lezhi County.) Born, his ancestor tablet is written: the ancestors of the Xiaomen after the prime minister of the Han Dynasty. (The descendants of Prime Minister Xiao He in the Han Dynasty, now after the founding of New China in mainland China, simplified characters are used, replacing "Xiao" with "Xiao".) The new little life welcomes the arrival of the new year, and naturally makes the whole family full of joy , happiness and joy.

Although the Xiao family is not a huge family, the three generations of its ancestors were all homes of compassion and goodness. From this, the sacred relationship was prematurely knotted and gave birth to a great master who entered the world in modern history for the Xiao family. , Reach all over the world.

His father Xiao Lei (Yue Leshan) had three sons: Chang Yang, Chang Ming, and Chang Bo. The eldest brother Xiao Chang Yang had two sons: Yun Ai and Yun Gang, and a daughter: Yun Zheng. (Part of the family tree of the Xiao family is sorted: "Ji family Jixianliang, Taoism is the morality and constant, the great line determines the world prosperous, the glory of the rich and the rich and the court"). His mother, Tong, was born on May 21, 1861, in the eleventh year of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty, and April 12 in the Xinyou year of the lunar calendar.

On June 28, 1901 (May 13) Xiao Changming died of illness, and revived about three hours later (under the modern medical understanding, it may be a brief shock, no breathing or a severe coma) (about the afternoon) Waking up at about five o'clock). During this time, his parents cried and cried, and a funny and lively child passed away so quickly. For the parents, it was a painful pain, because the children are the continuation of life and the family. The lights. When Grandmaster Xiao was deceived and turned to Su, he heard the cry of his parents. He didn’t know what it was for. Guessed that it might be the suffering of life and death in the world. Therefore, the master of the Buddha Shakyamuni said "birth, old age, sickness, death". Suffering will save sentient beings, and this time when the great master came to the mortal world, he will also aim to relieve sentient beings from the sufferings of birth, old age, sickness, death and suffering, so as to transform the common people. If you wake up this time according to your parents’ general idea, you must be reading for fame. If you don’t do it according to them, once you leave the family and go to another place, your parents will be distressed. It’s a bit unbearable. Besides, the way of being a person in the world of samas is. Put filial piety first. If Guo leaves, the charge of unfilial piety will be added to him again. What is good, wait until you wake up, and then think of a solution! The most important thing now is to stop crying from both parents.

Thus, the great master smiled, as if the Tathagata Buddha was smiling slightly. He could speak immediately, and said to his parents, "What are you crying for?" The parents felt strange and said, "People die like a lamp, cry for you." The grand master said, "Sure enough, I cried well. I'm back. May I ask if other people’s children die, can they cry back?” Parents said, “Since people die like a lamp, they can cry back there, but we are crying for you today, and you have come back. This is an unexpected thing.”

The Grand Master said, "Since the parents cry to death, they can't cry again. What do they do?" The parents said, "People always cry when they die. People don’t cry.” The great master said, “Isn’t it infatuation if you know you can’t cry but you don’t have to cry? If you know that you can’t cry again, why bother to cry? I wish my parents, mortals are dead. Crying for him, this world of sorrows is organized by greed, hatred and love. If there is no greed, hatred, love, murder and adultery, there will be no killing and adultery, and there will be no killing and adultery, and it will become a quiet world. Wouldn’t it be like my Buddha Tathagata, the land of bliss Are you the same happy?” The two elders, the two parents, spoke quietly to each other for a moment. This son had been dead for more than an hour and was able to return to the sun like a good person, but what he said was very strange. We have never heard of it, and I don’t know what he said What is it, did you meet a ghost fan? The Grand Master said: "You two elderly people secretly speak, I know that I am not a ghost, I am not a demon, and what I said is righteous. I hope my parents will study the Dharma more and affect all sentient beings." The parents said. "We are farmers in the countryside. We don’t know what Buddha or immortal is. We only know what a peasant’s duty is. We get up early and sleep late, farm diligently, and how much money we spend to dress and eat. We have extra money or don’t give alms to the fish and the widows and loneliness. People who are blind, lame and unreliable.” The great master said: “This is nothing more than good deeds. The world is rare. I hope my parents will study Buddhism for the future.” The parents said, “You are too young. I don’t have to talk about Buddhism and Taoism. I am learning to study well. I will understand things in the future and be a good person.” The great master said, “I’m afraid I don’t have time to study, because I have too many things. Soon I will leave here and never study. "At this point in the conversation, it was almost time to eat, and the parents said, "Do you eat rice or porridge? If it is porridge, we will cook it and you will eat it. If it is to eat, let us eat with us." The grandmaster said: "You can eat or not, just eat together." The parents were very happy when they heard that, because the son did not even touch the water and rice when he was sick, but after the yang was returned, he did not just talk. Weird and edible, is this God bless you? Presumably Guanyin Bodhisattva sent him back. My mother said, "I burned incense at the Guanyin Temple that day. The Bodhisattva blessed my son. Every 3rd, 6th, and 9th in our family, we have to eat fast and recite the Buddha. It must be the Bodhisattva who blessed my son soon, but he died. Returning the Yang, this is all about the spirit and manifestation of Guanyin Bodhisattva. Sure enough, Guanyin Bodhisattva sent him back, and we will do it as we wish in the future to repay the bodhisattva's mercy."

Grandmaster Xiao left home at night, and between the invisible heaven and earth, he invented the use of the congenital qi (primitive energy of the universe) to strengthen the body through the qi, but he was ill to prolong his life. He taught the people with the four words "loyalty, filial piety and benevolence", which will be called later. For "spiritual healing", with the twenty-character mantra "loyalty, forgiveness, honesty, justice, faith, tolerance, filial piety, kindness, frugality, true courtesy and harmony" and the expansion of the theory.

Grand Master Xiao's great achievements in cultural harmony and cultivation

(1) Invented the new method of "congenital qi" to cure diseases, inherited the traditional Chinese medicine of Daoyin, and combined the internal and external application of external pill and internal pill to make the whole pill, and carried forward the principle of preventive medicine for the prevention of disease;

(2) Establish the ultimate principle of the ultimate ideal of natural therapy at the highest level of "Healing Heart";

(3) Promote and practice religious unity, and turn confrontation into harmony and cooperation;

(4) Begin with the great harmony of culture and religion to reach the great harmony of the world;

(5) "Pray for world peace" to eliminate racial conflicts and confrontations;

(6) Establishment of "Religious Philosophy Research Association" and "Oriental Spiritual Sanatorium";

(7) Re-interpreting "religion", combining academic theory and world economy as a platform for life;

(8) Break down feudal superstitions, promote education and research, use spiritual recuperation as the starting point, and in-depth study the benefits of Qi Gong;

(9) Establishing the "Twenty-character Philosophy", which uses simplicity to avoid cumbersomeness as the practice of ethics and morality in life;

(10) Create the "Dualism of One Mind and Matter", and establish Daoism and Science, which are related and complementary;

(11) Created the theory of "Ming Jue Yuan Xing" to cultivate the mind and body in daily life;

(12) The theory of universe creation: combining the theory of water and the big bang;

(13) Exploiting the "Longhua" system with "Virtue" as the life of the universe, and the cultivation method that integrates the principles and methods;

(14) "Continuous compassion" is the way to "freedom" and "to see nature with clear mind", which runs through the traditional and sincere way of the saint;

(15) Establish a fundamental way to save calamity by changing the "heaven and earth aura", and everyone will become an infinite compassionate individual by practicing twenty characters;

(16) Combining the convenient methods of repairing chains and cultivating merits and virtues, the "combination of medicine and practice" of Qi gong has become inseparable from the Tao at all times;

(17) Aspiring to benefit the world with great aspirations, to be humanized in the world, the "ten aspirations" are the path in the journey of life;

(18) Build a "charity farm", study Qigong to relieve drug addiction, and build the road to the world by joining the WTO;

(19) Integrate cultivation and morality into the cultivation of ethical life, make life religious, popularize religion, and make cultivation livelihood;

(20) Create the tranquility of the "Lotus World", where heaven and man are cultivated together, and the tangible and intangible ideals are merged.

Great Master Xiao's ten relatives:

From 1901 to 1905, he was seven to eleven years old. One of the ten aspects of happiness: Linfan upside down; the second: heal the sick and the heart; the third: teach the scriptures to save the catastrophe. Loyalty to alleviate people's diseases, filial piety to enter the world, benevolence to comfort the common people, compassion to rescue calamity.

In 1901, Grandmaster Xiao was reborn and left home to save all sentient beings. He taught the masses with "loyalty, filial piety and benevolence", and used spiritual healing (qi Gong) to save the world. Since then, he has eliminated diseases and countless living people. The great classmate Li, made many great masters and monks threw themselves on the ground and knelt on their heads. Use Sanskrit to teach scriptures and pray for the common people.

From 1906 to 1911, from 12 to 17 years old. The fourth of ten phases of happiness: the creation of the lotus world. The congenital Qi, the lotus world, the predestined degree is all nine products without hindrance.

In 1906, he used the cross "loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, virtue, integrity, tolerance, and justice" to educate the people of the world, lecturing scriptures, and arguing without hindrance, and enlightening blind cultivators. Create [Lotus World], and establish the overall concept of heaven and man. It was the first time to go home to treat her mother in order to fulfill her filial piety. When she recovered, she left home and promoted Taoism again. However, the work of enlightenment in this trip was not satisfactory. Good and evil are right and wrong. It is difficult to balance right and wrong.

From 1912 to 1917, from 18 to 23 years old. The fifth of the ten-phase free and unfettered: outside view. Good and evil are difficult to judge right now, but in this life, the previous causes will be fruited, and evil will be used to stop the evil.

He broke into a ideological misunderstanding, and was later moved by Mr. Zou (Yunlong Zhisheng) from Vietnam to Sichuan Province. Go out and save the world.

From 1918 to 1925, from 24 to 31 years old. The Sixth of Ten Phases of Happyness: Joining the WTO and Pudu. The psychedelic has been broken, the sincere will be more sincere, the association will explain the Taoist affairs, and the people will return with the fate.

Grand Master Xiao went everywhere to benefit the world, lectured on the Scriptures, eliminated disasters and rescued disasters, and set up the "Religious Datong Promotion Agency" in Changsha City, Hunan Province to systematically enlighten, show the true colors of religion, explain the rationale for religious Datong, and appeal to all Religions work hand in hand to save people and the world, accept disciples, and work together to cure diseases and save the world, and try to save the Chinese nation and the world's human beings that are about to fall.

 From 1926 to 1933, from thirty-two to thirty-nine years old. The Seventh of Ten Phases of Xiaoyao: Twenty-character promotion. The great rivers and the north and the north are widely used, the twenty-character philosophy integrates all the teachings, and the Jinlian is the only one who reads the Chinese characters.  

In 1926, the 20-character philosophy was established [loyalty, forgiveness, honesty, justice, forgiveness, filial piety, compassion, frugality, true courtesy and harmony]. The philosophical foundation was fully completed, breaking the prejudices of portals and sects, breaking the feudal frame of religion, and staying in future generations. In 1927, the name "Tiande Shengjiao" was formally established, and the educational work continued to be promoted and carried out. Married in 1929, married and established a family, gave birth to children, proved the way of heaven with humanity, and became a model for the world, showing greatness from the ordinary, demonstrating the new era of mankind, practicing and achieving the way to the world by the way of entering the world. In 1930, the "Nanjing Special City Religious Philosophy Research Association" was established. In 1931, Wang Diqing converted in Changsha City, Hunan Province. In 1932, the great master named Zhao Liancheng, Zhang Xiangquan, Li Chugui, and Shan Daorong as the instructors of Guangdong Province, and the "Religious Philosophy Research Society of Hunan Province" was established.

From 1934 to 1937, from 40 to 43 years old. Eight of the ten relatives: training instructor. After a hundred days of success, the master and the disciple will become the master, the model of the emperor and master is full of peaches and plums.

In 1934, the "Tutor Training Class" was established in the Shandong Guild Hall in Shanghai to train more than 20 talents, improve each individual's ability, and deepen the promotion of teachings. There are millions of followers, hundreds of branches in various regions, and a large number of constructions. Charity, participating in social work, setting up schools and charity farms, was awarded the title of "Three Realms, Ten Directions, 33 Days and Seventy-two Lands", "Five Qi", "Five Balls", "Wanjiao", Promise, Supreme Supreme, and Sacred Taoism. Sovereign] (hereafter referred to as Sect Master Yiqi), since then the Dao pulse will last for thousands of years. In 1935, the "Hong Kong Religious Philosophy Research Society" was established. In 1935, the "Shaanxi Religious Philosophy Research Association" [Qing Ling Palace] was established. In 1936, the "Peking Religious Philosophy Research Association" was established. In 1937, a dojo was established in Huangshan, preparing to retreat.

From 1938 to 1941, he was forty-four to forty-seven years old. Ninth of the Ten Sides: Promote the whole world. The Pearl of the Fragrant River is a gathering of Chinese and foreign nations, the Dao pulse has been passed on to Jiuzhou early, the Huxiang culture has spread to the world, and the 20-character culture has been integrated and widely promoted.

In 1938, I went to Hong Kong to promote the road and treat people. Because Hong Kong is a British colony, it is also a transit point for the future implementation of Qi Gong and Nianzi Road to the world. It is a melting pot of global cultures, religions and philosophies. This is also the only country to set foot in. Outside once. In 1939, his wife died first, and he also tasted the twists and turns of life and death. He returned home for the second time in 1940, visited his mother to celebrate his birthday, and arranged for his children to move to Huangshan in the future.

From 1942 to 1943, from forty-two to forty-nine years old. Ten of the ten phases of happiness: at ease. With all my best efforts, ten wishes to pray for great unity, to nurture people's hearts with wonderful righteousness, and to be happy and at ease.

Bao Guiwen converted in the "Nanjing Religious Philosophy Research Society" in 1942. In 1943, the great master formed a wishful sitting in Huangshan, sitting freely, quiet and comfortable, the world of the beloved, the Nianzi Dadao and the prosperity of the world continued to develop, spread as far as Europe, America, Japan and Southeast Asia countries, making the world more harmonious and happy. Twenty characters are circulated in all countries and nine continents in billions of trillions of years.

The term great master comes from "Zhuangzi. Inside article. "The Great Master Sixth" points out that a real person in the form of classical Taoism is free and easy, not bound by the material desires of the world. This is the honorific title of the later generations for those who have attained Taoism, which is equivalent to the so-called sage of Confucianism and the Buddha called by Buddhism. This is not to exaggerate the great master’s achievements, and there is no need to compare it with other saints. Readers please listen carefully to the great master’s sheng song, quietly hear the sound of Shunqi, and make your own judgment.


The Great Master's Ten Xiangxiaoyao Listed


Flip Linfan

All sentient beings suffer, I suffer, cannot bear to punish, do not teach, turn upside down, and leave Miaoxiang country temporarily

    Re-consolidate and save the fate   wish to save the world’s disaster   7 years old to go to the good home   farewell to parents in the middle of the night




Heal the sick and the heart

The ancestor of the Taoist fascinated   the power of Buddha is infinite   a heart of compassion   the heart of rehabilitating the disease

Loyalty, filial piety and benevolence   the breadth of the common people   the spirit is better than the material   the conscience tramples on




Lecture to rescue the robbery

The eminent monk seeks transcendence   Mahayana Freedom Scriptures   Speeches on Wonderful Reasons   The Other Side of Music

Burning eyebrows are burning   The five teachings are from the same source   Working together to save the group and Li   The robbery is greed, hatred and delusion




Create the lotus world

The turbid world He Kansang  gentleman middle way line   the intellectual property golden lotus   clean your heart

Jing Si Shan keeps alone   hibiscus does not stain the dust   smiles greet each other   the lotus world bliss state




Outside contemplation

   If it is not "the great power is hard to move" the revolution seizes the position of power, the fame and fortune will turn to the cloud

   The appearance of the game Qi Ji   Zen Yin Fei Hua Yu   Repentance Words Purple Wei   Waiting for Nian Hua Xiao





Song Jue Tian Lai   Joined the World, May the Heart   Wen She Gathering the Magi   Pursuing all living beings

Research on Zongzheqi of Datong Advance Agency, Regardless of Schools and Schools




Twenty-character promotion

Twenty-character opening and closing   the ladder has a way to find   ten thousand teachings and one furnace   join hands in Datong

The compass of life   the miraculous pill to save the bitterness   the bright pearl of the sea of nature   Xuan Yao Nine Heaven





The spring breeze Mu Houjun, the generation of generations pays the fire, the avenue is magnanimous, and there is education in the sky

Cultivate talents for a century




Promote global

Globalization   has long been an image   all races must be harmonious   all teachings must be integrated

East and West are divided into North and South   culture transfer   the great exhibition of red wings   small differences and tolerance




At ease

Trinity in one  the world is quiet and comfortable  volume hides no inside and outside   five Qi five balls muddy

Grand Master Fa Xianggeng   Heaven and Tao are still at ease   Virtuous legacy in the world   Yi Yang to return to the truth

"Songs of Dongzen Temple" Grand Master Xiao

One: "


Regardless of whether it is inside or outside the party, it is generally the same as a monk in the layman;

If you can make bodhi vows, you will get a compassionate nobleman;

Now that we are liberated from life and death, we have to stay as a wake-up call. "


Second: "

There is no one in Buddhism, regardless of vulgarity and monkhood

What a wonderful happy Vimalakīrti, Guangyun Long Tongue Santuo Flower

Remember that Manjushri said that being good at discerning and maintaining is Xiancha

Truth is true, not arrogant or dissatisfied with the top nest crow. "


Third: "

I am talking about the method of stone, and learned that the stone is Shakya;

The old ancient pine has no color and does not need to be decorated with fairy flowers;

She was really cute, greedy, hated, idiotic and fantasy Fu Liuxia;

The eight-treasure heart is exquisite on all sides, and it is indescribable in the sands;

One grain of golden sand, one Buddha, the face is solemn and joyous;

Only now has it been life and death, and planting melons comes from melons. "


Fourth: "

Smiling and twisting flowers to show the method, Tao is here to understand the roots and shoots;

Now I can't live in Samadhi, and I'm here to scatter immortal flowers in the red dust;

Knowing that the fairy flower originally came from, there is no end to happiness in it;

May you not see life and death, and jump out of the Three Realms. "

"Tong Yue Ge" Grand Master Xiao

"Respect, father and mother, please sit down together, wait for the children to sing ordinary songs to listen to the ancients, Tathagata Buddha, living in the palace, how happy, for the prince, living in the green palace, how many happy things, there are palaces, beautiful women, neon clothes Xianle, I Tathagata, go out of the four gates, see through Sao Po, old age, sickness, and suffering, it’s really sad, death and life, life and death, the wave of evil, people turn birds, birds turn people, the evil fruit of reincarnation, the tide of love, Cheng Niehai, the bridge calls Naihe, I am Tathagata, take the red dust,
I have already seen it through, abandoned the country, like a scorpion, the Dharma supersams, enters the snow-capped mountains, builds the avenue, no one has no one, only the tree garden, speaks the Buddhist scriptures, spreads the mandala, forty-nine years, teaches the Dharma, five hundred arhats, and four The devil, follow the decree of the Buddha, surpass parents, save all living beings, enjoy bliss with the Buddha, save the lives of the Buddha, live the Buddha, ambition is not grind, there is Yao and Shun, let the throne, everyone has heard of it, the nest father, and Xu You, wash your ears Qinghe, what are you talking about, officials and eunuchs, wealth and peace, in the end, unjust debts, retribution without retribution, the king of Chu, proclaiming power, Wujiang results, Han Liuhou, go to meditate, relieve the calamity, although this is not a Tathagata, also Similar to the Tathagata, the Tathagata Buddha, the temple resides in Tianzhu, I live in the wonderful country, in Daluo, Daluo heaven, infinitely good, never night, glazed glass, to save all living beings, return to bliss, not to live or die, to enjoy peace, My son wishes my parents, listen to the Dharma, jump to death, and enter the happy nest. "

"Song of Negligence" Grand Master Xiao

"The mortal matter, the most ingenious thing, why, secretly, the heart is guilty, because of the heart guilty, it is done, the boundless evil, the injustice comes, put him in jail, A kills the second, the second kills the A, the blood is stained with mud, and the blood is dripping. , Caused by greed and hatred, cycle of deception, until now, injustices, strange illnesses are difficult to cure, caused, great calamity, the world is in danger, swords and soldiers, water and fire, instant follow, fame and profit, wealth and Expensive, come to tired you, ignorant, the original heart, always be suspicious, hope all beings, look back quickly, go to build the foundation of immortality, the path of immortality, the widest, can take the robbery, I remembered, in the heaven, see the catastrophe, already When the eyebrows are burning, the immortals and Buddhas have made great aspirations, embraced the great kindness, compassionate Buddha, and saved all living beings. Only then did they give up their teachings. He couldn't bear it. All living beings suffered. Self-inflicted, self-walking, Goddess of Mercy, saving all living beings, descending the spirit, hearing, going to induction, always like this , May your generation be in harmony with the six relatives, and be hungry, may your generation, cherish your life, always give favors, don’t say, microbes, life is a joke, do you know, people turn birds, birds turn people, who can be peeked , Or, the living father, or the living mother, unknown, this world, killing and stealing, causing evil and tired, this world, rape and adultery, broke through the four dimensions, four dimensions broken, who can make up, only mercy, willing Your generation, cultivate as early as possible, and your mind will not be too late. I hope you will learn from immortal Buddha and visit famous teachers quickly. Lonely and widow, pity and handicapped, with a strong mind, accumulate merits, be tired of good wishes, diligently resolve crimes, there is the morning sun, the queen mother, the banquet, the peach club, the flying lotus, the escape from the wheel, the life and death, and go to the west together ."

"No Internal and External Dharma" Grand Master Xiao

"The Dharma is in this, and you will get a perfect harmony, three thousand great worlds, the same empty and all kinds of colors,
Enlightenment of various enlightenments, fragrance everywhere, this great freedom, originally Nobita,
Knowing the exposure and electricity, I am also empty, there is nothing, so why bother to talk about it,
There is a universal foot, which contains the original and no west and east. This is the world of bliss, and it is infinitely moisturizing.
When the Longhua flower blooms, you can see the protagonist, jump born and die, the glory is growing day by day,
There is no life or death, the lotus bows through the body, the Huayan Buddha meeting, Yingluo,
The merits are very solemn, the clever friend recognizes the good sect, the communication is unrestrained, and it is a wake-up call.
The lotus became the world, and the Dharma rain was self-sufficient. It not only proved the fruit of the Buddha, but also showed compassion.
All beings become Buddhas and enter the blissful cluster. "


"Into Ding" Grand Master Xiao

"The place where the wisdom heart shines. It's all on the tip of the nose. It covers the thousands of realms. The Dharma body is boundless.
Puyu mandala flower. The heavens and humans are full of joy. Subtle nowhere to stay. The mud cow crossed Xichuan.
Manjushri said. What do I say about Buddhism? Colored glaze is the world. Amber is used for clothes.
This is a transparent body. Show a smile. The law rains everywhere. The induction is natural.
Quietness and nothingness. Three thousand complexes. Who rides the green bull. Five thousand words of morality.
The avenue is like water. Melt through Cangtian. All of the ten directions. Lao Tzu has a panacea.
Metaplasia without fruit. Robben is not a fairy. Everywhere. There are flowers on the lying stone.
It's still like a dragon. Confucius praised the dragon diving. Zhongshu Yiguandao. Rili is in Zhongtian.
Taihe vitality. According to legend, this week is all. Shen alone is a confidant. Promise Tai Chi circle.
Every week starts again and again. The Avenue of the Mean. Uniformity and uniformity. Pushing oneself is Zen.
Virtue is in harmony with heaven and earth. Choose between two rooms. Accession to the WTO is ready. Born leisurely.
Etiquette and integrity. Miscellaneous Fu in the meantime. To be a permanent relationship. It's the fate of the country.
Xiuqi and Zhiping. The five elements must come first. The way to maintain people. There is no dissent from the ages.
I love the Lord of fraternity. The universal salvation method is not partial. Seek the sound and save the suffering. The atonement is still stunned.
He is the king of all living beings. It is the Dadao Xuanyuan. Experiencing the sufferings of the world. The cross is bloody.
Spread the way of universal love. Explain the words to save people. Ling Fei Tian Shang Guo. May people live their lives.
Halal is the method. Equality and education. By Chuan Tian Fangshi. Acting on the saints.
Restoration of beings. All the difficulties are reduced. Support all suffering. Salvation is the law.
The five teachings can be one. Everything goes by nature. Freedom is wide. Bodhi is a boat of wish.
Seeking sound has nectar. There is a panacea for probation. There are wonderful medicines everywhere. Heal the people back to the day.
The avenue is nowhere. What's the talk? I wish good knowledge. Wisdom must be integrated.
Break the law and phase. Jump to death. Huiri's long sky photo. Baoyue is round and round.
This great comfort. Those who know have their own fate. There are many convenient ways. Don't need money to help people.
It took a few moments. Pekoe appears on the tip of the nose. Boundless and boundless. Kindness is everywhere.
Compassion doesn't make sense. Merit is solemn. All over the world is flying and raining. Purdue does not count years.
Six Dao Sishengxi. Nine quiets and ten kinds of Huan. Nothing to see. Haoyue hung her chest.
Beware of the seal WanZi. Selfless interpretation of Buddhism. Take this blow. Knock out Buddha and Immortal. "


"Song of Life" Grand Master Xiao

"How to be born, is to have this heart, this heart is nothing but all evil deeds, why is the deed, it is greed and hatred, fallen into the sea of life and death, how to leave the maze, the maze is easy to leave, and quickly dissolve the dust, The reason for the dust is because of the beginning of sex, the original heart is good, how to get dust and poison, because of grace and love, always busy all day long, because the wife and son are entangled and chased each other, it is the reason, but the love is difficult Excluding, but turning the luminous energy into a big ball, the wisdom of the sea, the sweetness in the sex, if you have a brave heart, cut off the grace and love, now you can’t hold back the grace, now you can’t love it, so watch your freedom, so big For example, when the light of wisdom is released, the masses enter the pure sea, and all living beings are also saved. Whether the wife and children are like wives and children, they are not allowed to be dyed in six dusts. Come to my pure sea and celebrate the great Tathagata to make the bodhi wish, good and happy. Oh."

"Song of the Old" Grand Master Xiao

"Why is it old to say that it is old? To say that it is difficult to be old? All have a pure heart, all have a naked face, and a naked body, why are the clouds old, the time will not be longer, the marbles are really sad, and all of us, take advantage of this. Good time, old people should not be too old, diligence is the best reason, seize time, do not walk everywhere, young and old, do not speak, white head is difficult to turn green, take advantage of this good time, don’t look back too early, jump into the Dead Sea, It's all right, enter the pure state together, join my Tathagata, release the Munizhu, shine three thousand good, three thousand complex Daqian, all come to learn this way, and you can't learn it, and you have to separate yourself, escape the yin and the yang , Don’t look for it in the Four Tribulations.”

"Song of Suffering" Grand Master Xiao

"Why does it mean that I am too annoyed. I keep my true way. I can enjoy peace. All are equal, all are equal, not in color and appearance, not with greed and hatred. In a flash of light, you can see the City of Bliss, the Buddha of the Three Realms of the Ten Directions, and the Vajra Agate Heng, can fill his desires, can stop his heart, why is Siyun suffering? Like all living beings, all living beings are able to express bodhicitta, universal love and universal respect, release the big sun wheel, the sun wheel does not stop, the people in the quiet sea, how rich is this, be compassionate, compassion is wealth, wealth does not stain dust, this It’s really at ease, to send and come again.”

"Song of the Dead" Grand Master Xiao

"Why is it to die? It is to live. My heart is incapable of life, I am invisible, life and death are not linked to life, this is a middle-aged person, who always laughs with flowers, can be full of spring, full of prosperity, The radiance and the dust, the hundreds of billions of Buddhas, all around me, the lotus is the throne, the lotus is the wheel of the law, and the lotus has no color. How can it be mixed with jade and gold? He Yun, I am full of Tathagatas, and there is no life or death."

"Outside Chan Song" Original Works by Master Xiao Da


Is there a reason for the impermanence of success or failure?

Immortal Buddha cannot escape success and failure, success and failure follow the past and the present;

Tathagata Buddha, the body of Fahai Cihang;

The Chaoyin of the Three Realms urged enlightenment and liberated from the mortal world.



Water has roots and trees have roots, and immortals are the same roots;

Constantly observe at ease and have nothing to do with nothing, and cultivate the spirit without saying a word;

I hope that all people will become living Buddhas, and don’t run away from extra-kindness;

If you watch the river surging, you will lose your soul if you fail and succeed.



The most pitiful in the world is nothing and nothing, and nothing makes the universe;

At that time, there was a sense of infinity, but today, everything becomes a thousand yuan;

I hope that the world has no self-image, and the soul slaughters the soul;

The golden paradise is like this, and I hope the people will listen to the Buddha's words.



A little bit of spirituality is blissful, and there is nothing in it;

All beings are immortal Buddhas by nature, and immortal Buddhas are all sentient beings;

Void and vague Tathagata Buddha, illusion, true truth, ancestral affection;

It is ridiculous that fame and fortune in the world are indistinguishable from each other.