This year's event schedule

2021 events (2021-04 to 2022-03)

Year-round activities: (1) 8:30-9:15 every morning at the outdoor basketball court of the MacPherson Recreation Association in Mong Kok, free teaching and group exercises: One-Qi exercises, 20-character colored balls, exercises

                         (2) Every Saturday and Sunday from 9:15-9:45, there is a free "Through-Hair Guidance and Rehabilitation" service at the outdoor basketball court of the MacPherson Recreation Association in Mong Kok, arranged by the energy healer of the Association. Please make an appointment, phone:98318484 Mr. Liu

December: Our new website will be opened


November 20th: Hosted by the Association: The first "Yiqigong Method" academic seminar, inviting qigong experts and fans to participate in online exchanges


November 6-7: Hosted by Zhejiang University, the 2nd Taoism and Local Culture Symposium

                        Pan Shuren submitted the paper "Popular Folk Qi Gong Treatment"


October 23: The Inauguration Ceremony of the First Administrative Committee of the House of Goodness Charity Foundation

                        Demonstration performance by our qi gong team

                        Pan Shuren was invited to become the vice president of the association


October 18-20: Hosted by Anyang Zhouyi Research Association, 2021 Cross-Strait Zhouyi Cultural Forum and the 32nd Zhouyi and Modernization Symposium

                             Pan Shuren submitted the paper "Yin-Yang Reversal Practice and Multiple Harmony"


October 16-17: Organized by the Institute of Qigong, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: 2021 International Qigong Symposium

                              Pan Shuren submits thesis "Tai Chi Practice Kungfu Moral Conservation"


September 26th: The Association will issue certificates of each section of "One Qi Gong Method Nine Stages Cultivation System" to students and instructors


August: Joint report of the Master's Association "Zhu Youli"

            Pan Shuren wrote the preface "The Cultivation of Etiquette Improves Life"


July 28th: The Association held a "Teacher Training Course" to open up a lifelong learning path for the ninth stage of Qi Gong teacher


June: Published and published by Showway Information Technology Co., Ltd. (Taiwan)

            "Revisiting Qian Mu" (Part 1), (Part 2)

            Pan Shuren's paper "Expressing the Essence of Chinese Pedagogy—A Study on the Interpretation of Mr. Qian Mu's Analects" is listed in Chapter 23 of "Volume One"


May-June: Hong Kong Chinese Cultural Development Association "Wen Lu"

               Pan Shuren's manuscript "Hand-held Idioms Tour Kaifeng" was published


May: Pan Shuren was elected as the Chairman of Natural Medicine (Medical Qigong) by "Association Conjunta de Promotion de Medicos Chinese Macau-Taiwan-Hong Kong"


May: The 14th International Daoist Symposium (Bulgaria) (ZOOM)

            Pan Shuren's paper "Literature, Philosophy and Science of Water-Great Road Preparation" was accepted and published by the conference


January: "Dao and Time: Classical Philosophy" edited by Livia Kohn

             Abraham Shue Yan POON –  Paper 《The Time of Nature and the Harmony of the People》 (by Three Pines Press)



2020 events (2020-04 to 2021-03)


2019 annual events


2018 annual events


2017 annual events




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