Origin and history

The Origin and Evolution of Yiqi Gong Method

The "Yiqi Method" was first created by Grand Master Xiao Changming in 1901. He was only seven years old and had no teacher to teach himself. At the beginning, the Grand Master first treated the people with Qi in Sichuan Province and taught them with the four words "loyalty, filial piety and benevolence". Everyone, there is no name for the exercise method. Grandmaster Xiao was born in Lezhi County, Ziyang City, Sichuan Province. He was born on December 8th in the 20th year of Guangxu in the late Qing Dynasty, that is, on January 3, 1895, and returned to heaven on January 15, 1943.

In 1918, the Great Master began to teach apprentices in Hunan Province, set up charity farms, used his merits to help people get rid of opium addiction, gave birth and benefited people everywhere, promoted religious unity and world unity, broke the view of the world, explained that science and philosophy are One body and two sides, there is no need to argue with each other, resolve the conflicts between Chinese and Western ideology and culture, and cooperate with twenty characters (Loyalty, Forgiveness, Honesty, Reasonableness, Virtue, Righteousness, Faith, Forbearance, Justice, Broadness, Filial Piety, Benevolence, Kindness, Awareness, Saving, frugal, true, courteous, harmony) The expansion and interpretation of philosophy reminds people of the importance of moral practice. Only great virtues have grandeur, noble conduct is the foundation of cultivation, and morality is established by nature, and the great way is in daily practice. Inheriting the traditional theory of "Chi" from the Warring States Period to the Tang Dynasty, and interpreting it in detail, inheriting the function of the guidance method since the Warring States Period, and using it in conjunction with the "Chi".

In 1934, Grandmaster Xiao held a mentor training class in Shanghai, focusing on cultivating and inheriting disciples, practicing and teaching scriptures in a 100-day retreat, and then appointing more than 20 instructors to promote Qi Gong and twenty-character mantras throughout the country. Disaster relief work tirelessly. It has been spread to this day and followers around the world have followed them, and they still use the innate energy of Qi Gong to help the world and save people. It has become a new wonder in the world of qigong today, with far-reaching influence. Great Master Xiao has toiled all his life, advocating the great unity of all sects, saving lives, spreading all over the world with the particularity of "congenital chaos", which is completely in line with the objective research of medicine and science. Later he was promoted to the title of "Yiqi Sect Master." His life-related works include: "Lihai Shengge." edited by Pan Shuren. The Life of the Great Master Xiao Changming's Legend; Xiao Changming dictated "Outside Zen Music"; Lu Yuding compiled "The Biography of Great Master Xiao Changming".

The Yiqi Gong Method uses modern chemistry to adjust the education of the great master, combines contemporary preventive medicine and the ancient "preventive cure" of citizens' physical fitness functions, and moves toward environmentally friendly efficacy of drug-free cures, using "scientific medical philosophy" as the dialectic. Constructing the "Nine-stage cultivation system of the Yiqi exercise", reiterating the systematic learning of Qi Gong, and holistic thinking to propose that the mind, body, and spirit of the "Healing and Healing Heart" will rise, and step by step will pave a way for future generations to cultivate the body and mind. , Chain repairing process: based on learning the principles and methods, the mind and body are united>the harmony of the spirits>the unity of man and the sky>the unity of nature and man. The simple way to practice the mind and body simultaneously is to transform the qi gong into life. This practice makes a great contribution to improving the quality of human health.