About us

The association was established on November 25, 1988, and was later approved by the Hong Kong government to become a charity. The purpose of the association is as follows:

  • Promote Twenty-Word Philosophy-Twenty-Word:Loyalty, Forgiveness, Honesty, Reasonableness, Virtue, Righteousness, Faith, Forbearance, Justice, Broadness, Filial Piety, Benevolence, Kindness, Awareness, Saving, frugal, true, courteous, harmony, Twenty-character philosophy is the integration of the positive moral values of all philosophical thoughts, including fraternity and halal in the West, as well as human ethics and morals such as loyalty, compassion, comprehension, and enlightenment in Eastern culture. This kind of mindfulness philosophy transcends time and space races, and we work hard to promote it for the sake of mankind's pursuit of happiness and peace.

  • Promote cultural harmony and global harmony-because the differences in cultural ideas have caused wars since ancient times, the common people have suffered the most. If people proceed from the perspective of cultural unity, eliminate prejudice, seek common ground while reserving differences, and build on human progress and cooperation, the road to unity can be opened up to everyone.

  • Propagating the "Yiqi Method"-In order to improve human mental and physical health and cultivation wisdom, Grand Master Xiao Changming (mainly named Grand Master Xiao in this website) first invented the method of cosmic space energy to adjust the energy and blood of people. At first there was no The name, later called psychiatric treatment, after several generations of efforts, Qigong was re-incorporated into traditional medicine. For the physical and mental health of the whole people, we promote the nine-stage cultivation system of Yiqi exercises.

  • Training professional talents of Qi Gong-Combining and inheriting the systematic learning of guiding, curing prophylaxis, and full alchemy, and continuing research with the concept of environmental protection and drug-free treatment. For this purpose, a large number of professional talents should be trained and hope to set up Qi Gong The research center gradually expands the scope of services.

  • Practicing philanthropy-helping the poor, sick, and disadvantaged communities is the beginning of ethics. We don’t care about our meager power, how much we have to do and how much work we do, and we will do our best to practice all philanthropy.


Grand Master Xiao in practiceskygood lifeethics, Bringing together ancient and modern China and foreign countriesThegreat wisdom of the saint sage is usedteachTransform the world to pray for the same and return to enlightenment. We cherish the teachings and guidance of Grand Master Xiao. There are countless predecessors who have left valuable teachings and experiences in life practice. We are here to openly learn and exchange with each other, and we are willing to create a better future together.


Pan Shuren President and Founding President

Tiande Shengjiao Twenty Characters Association Co., Ltd.

Xin Chou, October 8, 2021, cold dew


Government Charity License Number: 91/2942 



The current management committee organization:

Lawyer Yuan Jiale Voluntary Legal Counsel
Dr. Zhijian Au Consultant
Physician Pan Shanming Consultant of Traditional Chinese Medicine
(Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist in British Columbia, Canada)
Chairman Pan Shuren 
Ou Yaoqiang Chairman 
Wen Li'e Secretary General 
Zheng Yingming Chief Financial Officer 
Chen Huimin Director 
Zhang Junming Director 
Wang Jinquan Director 
Huang Huifen Director
Chairman Pan Shuren